Monday, July 5, 2010

Harrods Excursion and the Encounter with the Chocolate Room

After over a week, I am finally caught up in the chronicling of my early London adventures and can now focus my daily goings-on. Today was a relatively uneventful day. I was unable to drag myself out of bed early enough this morning to go for a run which I later regretted and vowed anew to try and get to bed early so I can resume my early morning aerobic activities. I then attended my two classes which I tried my best to stay awake for, ate some leftovers for lunch, and took a short nap. Afterwards, my roommates and I decided to take a trip to Harrods to explore more than to really shop because the 30 pounds in my wallet really wouldn't get me very far in that store. But we had a lot of fun! We spent time playing on the toy floor where I found the perfect gift to bring home for Emma, and then spent the following 40 minutes in the Chocolate Room. I probably needed to spend an entire week there to examine all of the different types of chocolates they had there. It certainly put the candy counter in the BYU Bookstore to shame. It was literally wall to wall with every type of (expensive) chocolate imaginable. There was everything from chocolate truffles to chocolate shoes... In all of those 40 minutes, all I was able to pick out were 4 truffles. I was so overwhelmed! So much chocolate, so little time (and so little money). Unfortunately for my waist line, I fear my return to the regal Chocolate Room is inevitable, and each time I will explore new chocolate horizons. Afterwards, Jessica and I headed back to the Centre for dinner and arrived much later than we had wished, since we had to wait 15 minutes for the stupid Circle Line train. I've decided the Circle Line must be avoided at all costs, because it is slow and way too full of Europeans who do not believe in deodorant. Its a very unfortunate thing. After dinner, Jessica, Hannah, Lauren and I went to Kensington Gardens to do some homework, but really the whole time we just laughed and tried to devise a way to lay on each other so we would be comfortable and able to read. It was relatively fruitless. But it was cool today and it felt amazing outside. All in all not a bad day.

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